Have you taken a look at your golf shoes lately? Not the quick look Fashionsstyle Club when you bend your head down prior to swinging, but have you given a thorough analysis of your shoes recently? My shoes are in terrible condition. That’s tough to admit because I would list golf shoes at the top of my list in the order of importance when it comes to executing a comfortable golf swing. Hitting a golf ball flush depends on the swing path, foot stability and balance. The club is low on the list. Seriously, pro golfers change sponsors with the seasons. However, the golf shoe is one of the least appreciated pieces of equipment that we use every round, and it’s one of the pieces of equipment we are loyal to when it come to branding. We love them not only because they look good but because they feel good. The golf shoe is involved in every single shot. Appearance isn’t everything when it comes to the golf shoe.
Balance is the main reason I make a poor golf shot. I either fall backward, fall forward, or simply slip when I swing the golf club. After a bad swing we’re usually blaming it on the club or practicing a perfect golf swing that we wish we could execute when actually hitting a shot.
Some of our swing faults are either associated with trying to look for the shot before we hit it, or bad simply ball positioning. Slipping out of our shot on the other hand is something that we can easily fix. It doesn’t take a swing coach to fix a worn set of golf shoes or golf spikes. Moreover, I have a phobia of sports injuries so when I start slipping in my golf swing and my joints are moving to positions that I didn’t choose, I begin to evaluate my shoes.
Golf shoes are the last piece of “golf apparel” that I want to replace. A good pair of shoes can run north of $150 at times. One can argue that they are worth the price since a really good pair of golf shoes can survive at least four or five sets of golf spikes before you replace the shoe. That’s a really good deal if you think about it.
Who’s going to spend $150 anyway? We are budget golfers right? Swallow your pride and buy the Tiger Woods three years prior to the current year. Some of us wait in line for the new iPhone, or the latest pair of Air Jordans. Why shouldn’t we get the latest pair of Tiger Woods golf shoes, right?
Wrong. Don’t forget the iPhone lasts to your next contract and Jordans will make it until the next pair come out. Golf shoes won’t be the last item you buy during the year when it comes to golf products. We have golf balls buy. We have a new glove to buy. We have to refurbish our clubs. Oh yeah.. we have to pay for that round of golf as well every week (sometimes twice a week).
Golf shoes are produced by a number of brands. We probably won’t be able try them all in our lifetime so I would say that it’s OK to develop brand loyalty with golf shoes. Personally, I’m partial to Adidas. They fit like a glove, and they are very stable. Every pair that I’ve gotten have felt that way. One of my biggest pieces of advice is to not be a brand loyalist, but I stand by their product from the clubs to the shoes. Not quite the balls and as you are I’m a deal hunter on clubs, but I got a great pair of Adidas that I searched around and found a good deal on after I tried them on at the PGA superstore. I have the black version of these and they feel like walking shoes.