Whether you realize it or not, Vita Citral has been around for a long time. It was first created in a specialized laboratory in Monaco in 1952. Since the dawn of this monumental product, people have been using it and loving it. Today it has spread all around the world and given a plethora of customers the privilege of having healthy, hydrated, soft skin and lips.
Less Chemical More Botanical
Somewhere in the span of time the philosophy that “less is more” became askew and long forgotten in most countries. The French, on the other hand, still believe this is so. When creating a product that is supposed to be healthy and good for the skin it is important to remember that the skin is very delicate no matter how tough a person claims to be.
This is why it is bad to treat skin problems with harsh chemicals. Ingredients that strip the skin of its natural cleansing and lubricating properties only cause more problems than what was originally in place.
Cleaning agents for the skin have to be gentle enough to allow the natural elements that the skin needs to be healthy, but tough enough to remove impurities and dead skin cells.
Products like Vita Citral, Phyto, Resultime, and other French beauty remedies all have one thing in common. They are developed with natural ingredients that do not harm the skin or the environment.
Although there are plenty of products that have ingredients in them that can mimic the natural human components that keep the skin healthy, the best way to achieve the best health is to help your own body heal itself without hindering its natural abilities by using synthetic chemicals.
People that want the best for their skin and their bodies tend to prefer to use products that are made out of healthy, natural botanicals. The French love to make products with ingredients like this.
It’s All About the Hands
For those of us that have hands, it is easy to comprehend how miserable life would be without them. This is why it is so important to take care of them. Our hands are the tools that help us get through our daily lives and allow us to do many of the things that we are able to.
When hands become dried out, cracked, and irritated it makes life a bit difficult. When trying to hold a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea we could be in danger of dropping the beverage right in our laps.
Have you ever experienced dry, chapped, flaky, cracked hands? How about shaking hands with a person who has hands like that? Dried-out hands are not fun at all. In addition to the regular environmental aggressors that drain the health right out of the skin washing the hands with harsh soaps or using hand sanitizer with alcohol in it will harm the skin of the hands in many ways.
In addition to using soaps and alcohol on the skin, daily activities where the hands are used can cause the skin to lose valuable moisture and natural oils. For example, a person that works with their hands all day, every day, by using a hammer or moving wood around can be in danger of harming their flesh, especially if they don’t use any protective gear.
One of the best things a person can do for their hands is to protect them with gloves. Another thing they can do is to maintain a level of moisture and health by regularly applying a gentle, but high-quality lotion or cream on them.
The reason for this is so that the hands can recuperate and be replenished from any damage that they incurred within a 24-hour period.
Vital Citral uses only the finest ingredients in order to provide a product that has the most powerful healing potential available on the market. Components such as aloe vera, Vitamin a, macadamia ternifolia seed oil, and hyaluronic acid help to soothe the skin and replenish lost hydration.
Where aloe vera helps to bring natural oil to the skin’s aid, the hyaluronic acid helps to pull water that is stored in the body towards the skin so that it is fully hydrated.
The Lips Are Not Sealed
A seriously uncomfortable dilemma is when the lips are excessively chapped and dried up. Not only does it feel gross when you run your tongue across the surface, but looking in the mirror and seeing that mess on your lips is excruciating.
One of the best ways to avoid chapped lips is to completely cover the lower half of the face and never allow it to face the punishment of dry winds or any other contributing factors. Since for most of us, this is impossible, there are a plethora of products on the market that cater to the lips and offer protection and healing replenishment.
What sets these products apart is whether or not they are actually good for the lips. Many products boast of natural components, but when you look a the ingredients, you find that they are not natural at all.
In the same line of conversation, the ones that may have “natural” ingredients are either useless or of very little value because they do nothing for the lips except create an even bigger mess.
Many of the people that have been using Vita Citral lip balm for their sun and wind-damaged lips continue to use it because it produces real, healing results.
Just like everything else on the outer surface of the body, lips are covered with skin. Although it is a different build of skin than the hands or the arms, it is still skin. In fact, it is a little less thick and a little more sensitive than the rest of the skin on the body.
The lips are a little bit less protected from the elements than normal skin. What this means is that they need a little extra care in order to remain healthy and hydrated. Once they become void of moisture, they can become extremely painful and uncomfortable.
What people love about the Vita Citral skin products is that they have an extra boost of nourishment that helps the lips to heal a little bit faster than other products on the market. Just like the hands and face lips need proper hydration. Vitra Citral products are engineered so that they bring healing moisture and oil to the lips and allow them to heal themselves.
In addition to being able to replenish the skin, high-quality lip balm also protects the lips from environmental aggressors. Natural ingredients such as high-quality, real beeswax and shea butter envelop the lips in a healing, soft environment and pamper them so that not only do they heal but they are protected.
The Skin Tells All
One thing that science has proven about the skin is that it is a good indicator of the health of the person that lives in it. Many health professionals can spot a problem with a person’s health just by looking at their skin. Hives, rashes, blotchy areas, dried-out scales, and dander are all indicators of another health problem lying beneath.
The skin is even sensitive to moods and feelings. This is why many people break out in hives or rashes when they are under a lot of stress.
Vita Citral products are made for the people that love their skin and love their health. Not only do the products make the person appear healthy, they also promote health for the ones that use them. It is no wonder why so many people absolutely love Vita Citral.